
Typical Winter Days of the Yonezawa Area.

These are the scenes of the winter in the Yonezawa area.  The pictures indicate the typical weather conditions of the winter season.

The dreary days usually starts from late October in the region. We hardly have clear days, only 1 or 2 days a week, as Halloween approaches.  Those gloomy days last till the end of March. 

During the middle of the winter time, everyday is like these photos. All in gray.  No sunshine. Freezing. Everybody and everything stop till the snow disappear.  What a tough area to live. 

  • See also to compare to the summer scenes;  
1. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 1.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-1.html
2. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 2.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-2.html
3. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 3.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-3.html
4. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 4.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-4.html
5. <Scenes of the Summer in the Yonezawa Area>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/07/scenes-of-summer-in-yonezawa-area.html






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@ Yonezawa - Uesgi Snow Lantern Festival

Yonezawa - Uesgi Snow Lantern Festival is the main winter event annually held in the city of Yonezawa, Yamagata.  Snow blocks (look like big tofus) are sculptured not only by professional artists but by ordinary people (participants to the event). 

It was held from February 8th to 9th this year at Uesgi Shrine Park.  Usually there is much enough snow to make the snow sculptures at the park, but there wasn't this year. The event staff members had to bring tons of snow up to the venue from the nearest soccer field. 







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More Winter Photos in Yonezawa, Yamagata

The winter is almost over, but there is tons of snow remaining in this region.

  • See also to compare to the summer scenes;  
1. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 1.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-1.html
2. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 2.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-2.html
3. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 3.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-3.html
4. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 4.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-4.html
5. <Scenes of the Summer in the Yonezawa Area>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/07/scenes-of-summer-in-yonezawa-area.html








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Winter Scenes in Yonezawa Vol.3

Snow usually lingers till the mid April in the Yonezawa area.  I heard this region is one of the heaviest snowfall regions in the world.  Look at the pictures. It's totally no wonder. 

  • See also to compare to the summer scenes;  
1. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 1.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-1.html
2. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 2.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-2.html
3. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 3.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-3.html
4. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 4.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-4.html
5. <Scenes of the Summer in the Yonezawa Area>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/07/scenes-of-summer-in-yonezawa-area.html


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Winter Scenes in Yonezawa Vol.2

Winter landscapes in the Yonezawa area of Yamagata.  It's still snowy in the middle of March. 

  • See also to compare to the summer scenes;  
1. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 1.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-1.html
2. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 2.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-2.html
3. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 3.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-3.html
4. <Summer Photos in the Yonezawa Area Vol 4.>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/08/summer-photos-in-yonezawa-area-vol-4.html
5. <Scenes of the Summer in the Yonezawa Area>  http://funtravelinjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/07/scenes-of-summer-in-yonezawa-area.html


    Follow tomoandsaho on Twitter